We have succeeded in organizing and spending some more beautiful, special events together! Thanks to all our participants for coming and for all your feedback, positive thoughts and encouragement! You inspire us with your smiles! 🙂

According to Uchu, one of the most important insights that shamanic path leads you to is recognizing the power of illusions our collective society is made of. Shamanism disrupts the so called “collective, tabloid reality” and gradually disarms our automatic, robotic Selves.

We all perceive our realities wearing coloured glasses. People, we wear glasses. Some wear blue glasses (for example people belonging to a certain generation, group, religion, nationality…), some wear yellow etc. Those with blue see everything around them blue, those with yellow see everything yellow. Then two people wearing glasses of different colours argue among themselves about the colour of the sky. We do not live in the same reality! Each one of us perceives reality differently, each observing it through his own thick filters (coloured glasses).

What do these glasses stand for? They are our beliefs, our programming, downloaded into us, into our subconsiousness from the moment we are born on. The manner in which we are using these glasses, eventually clearing them more and more, is our awareness.

That is why Uchu leads workshops and seminars: to help people expand their awareness and gradually win back their personal power, we have been massively robbed of in our society.

And when I observe our participants after our meetings, I can see that he is doing a great job. This brings a wide smile on my face, the one that comes from somewhere deep within. 

In the photos: Uchu is showing exercises for seeing energies (in the forest), for manipulating chi energy, Uchu shows how the mind creates the experience of our reality (passing imaginary candies to people), we are getting ready for a shamanic power dance, descent into the lower world to retrieve power animals and more.