A new group with nagual Uchu: take the opportunity to practice the wisdom of shamanism!


Quite some of you have been asking us how to start learning shamanism: when to start, where, what with, how shamanism was being taught traditionally etc. When people ask Uchu: “When is the best moment to start?” he always answers: “Here and now!” Therefore he has decided to offer you an opportunity of a fresh start. The workshop is open to anybody who feels the call to join. We will learn about some main concepts of shamanism, which are common in one form or another to all shamanic traditions, and represent the foundations based on which everything else is built. We will focus on working with our animal guides – power animals (more below).

Translation from English to Slovene is provided.


Saturday, October 15, 2016

slr001From 10 am to 6 pm (with lunch break)


Center Premik

Neubergerjeva 9

1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija


Uchu 2015 portraitWHO:

Nagual Uchu comes from Latin America. He learned and practiced shamanism mostly in Mexico, Peru and Brazil. In Argentina he was part of Carlos Castaneda’s circle and worked closely with Merilyn Tunneshende (the Nagual Woman from Don Juan’s circle). During his journey he lived with various Indian tribes such as Q’ero, Xingu, Shipibo, Kaxinawa Huni Kuin and he keeps regular contacts with some of the tribes, visiting them every year. He spent years travelling all around the world, living also among African and Siberian shamans, gaining rich experience in working with energies.

He combined and integrated ancient knowledge and techniques into Urban-Modern Shamanism which is applicable in 21st century in our everyday lives.  In the last 2 decades Uchu has been teaching and coaching  ancient shamanic techniques adapted to modern life all over the world. He is currently teaching in Europe.



We are all more or less familiar with our modern, Western way of thinking: »I did this once, this means I know it already and now I want something new and more advanced for myself.« Traditionally, practitioners of shamanism were practicing one thing, for example one consciousness journey, for months before it was considered more or less learnt.

This workshop is suitable for beginners, but also for those who have already practiced shamanism. Ancient wisdom teachings state: in order to achieve mastery we need to return to the basics (beginnings).



  • Main principles of shamanism, common to all shamanic cultures
  • Parallel realities: lower, middle and upper world
  • Awareness expansion exercises: why expand your awareness?
  • Working with our animal guides (power animals)
  • Various types of our power animals
  • A guided consciousness journey: a descent into the lower world to meet and retrieve your power animal (or to communicate with it if you already know it)
  • Receiving a message from your animal guide
  • Shamanic drumming
  • Open debate, questions


Nagual Uchu does not follow a fixed program. He sees and reads the energy of the group and of the individuals and adapts the program according to the group’s best interest.


ozora061-tShamanic Journeys and Our Power Animals:

Shamanic journeys are considered the primary method used to access the other worlds where the spirit helpers and guidance are found. They are used for many purposes, mainly for healing. Consiousness journeys are a part of traditions of peoples from all parts of the planet. They take us into altered states of consciousness that help us work more deeply with intuitive and spiritual guidance. Shamanic drumming is used to assist the process.

Everyone has power animals. They are spirits from parallel realities, who offer us their assistance, guidance, help and wisdom. Power animals are an essential component of shamanic practice. Traditionally practitioners began their training working with their power animals. Meeting your power animal, establishing and maintaining a good relationship with it, can have extremely beneficial effects on your life. It enables you to access parts of your consciousness you could not access  before.



60 €


 Due to limited place please book your place by applying before to email:







Nagual Uchu – Modern Shamanism

Uchu parrotWelcome!


Photos: www.pinterest.com/pattygrieves/wolveseagles , Flaming Dragonfly by maryostudio, psychicspiritinyou.com, Robert Ograjenšek