The Toltec culture is a Mesoamerican culture (Mexico) that dominated ca. 800–1100 A. D. The later Aztec culture saw the Toltecs as their intellectual and cultural predecessors. They left us priceless knowledge of shamanism and nagualism. Carlos Castañeda wrote a series of books that describe his training in shamanism, particularly with a group whose lineage descended from the Toltecs.


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»If we don’t have enough personal power the most magnificent piece of wisdom can be revealed to us and it won’t make a damn bit of difference.” Don Juan speaking to Carlos Castaneda.


Nagual Uchu was trained in Toltec nagualism in Mexico. He met Carlos Castañeda and worked with people from his group. He chose two important themes for this workshop: recapitulation and stalking. After more than 30 years of experience and practice he has developed his own way of practicing, adapted to today’s, modern way of life. In this workshop you will be introduced to these two concepts: what they are, their meaning, why and how to practice them.


More details about the program can be found below.


No special knowledge of shamanism is required for participation in the workshop.





Saturday, 28th April 2018

From 10.00 am to approximately 6.00 pm

(with lunch break)





Center Premik

Neubergerjeva 9

1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija





Uchu portrait quote 06CRNagual Uchu comes from Latin America. He learned and practiced shamanism mostly in Mexico, Peru and Brazil. In Argentina he was part of Carlos Castaneda’s circle and worked closely with Merilyn Tunneshende (the nagual Woman from Don Juan’s circle). During his journey he lived with various Indian tribes such as Q’ero, Xingu, Shipibo, Kaxinawa Huni Kuin and he keeps regular contacts with some of the tribes, visiting them every year. He spent years travelling all around the world, living also among African and Siberian shamans, gaining rich experience in working with energies.
He combined and integrated ancient knowledge and techniques into urban-modern shamanism which is applicable in 21st century in our everyday lives.  In the last 2 decades Uchu has been teaching and coaching ancient shamanic techniques adapted to modern life all over the world. He is currently teaching in Europe.





As already mentioned, recapitulation and stalking derive from ancient Toltec culture. Nagual Uchu will present a piece of this incredible, ancient knowledge to you. Come and see why and how to practice them based on more than 30 years of Uchu’s experience.


Recapitulation is a technique for healing your past to free your soul. It means to recollect your life, your lost energy, down to every little detail and free yourself from limitations of your personality. It is a procedure of self-healing, of releasing yourself from your past, from past conditioning and from its influence onto you. Recapitulation is used to discharge your emotions so that you do not react automatically to the same triggers and you can perceive clearly. It means regathering your lost energy, reclaiming your personal power.


Stalking is a tradition of great significance and ancient spiritual knowledge. It goes hand in hand with recapitulation. A spiritual warrior who follows the rule of the stalkers, knows the art of letting go of one’s own self-importance and ego. He / she observes from a different angle, from a different state of awareness. He / she vigilantly stalks behaviours, weaknesses, subconscious patterns, attachments, dependencies, fears of others, but mostly of himself or herself. Stalking enables you to stalk yourself, all the things you have repressed and hidden from yourself. It stops your inner dialogue. It is one of the ways to regain your lost energy and claim your personal power.


In order to grow one’s consciousness and expand one’s awareness we need energy. Learn how to regain your lost energy using stalking and recapitulation as your tools. Join us!


Translation from English to Slovene is provided. 

Uchu quotes 02 




65 €





smoke-fl 1Due to limited places please book your place by applying to the following email prior to the event:


arianasyard@gmail.com (Tadeja)







Nagual Uchu – Modern Shamanism




Photos: Susan Seddon Boulet “Shaman”, www.farhorizons.com, Uchu’s archive