I have recently gotten familiar with T. Campbell’s thesis about nature of this reality. It was one of those moments in which you think: »Yes, it is something like this!«

Today’s paradigm given to us by mainstream science is: there is one objective reality, existing independent from us, and we are the observers, we measure it, we make experiments, we must all get the same results anywhere in this planet… According to Campbell there is no objective reality. Instead he perceives reality as consciousness. Consciousness is information = digital database. An individual’s reality is data that he/she collects using 5 senses. It is simulation, this reality here is probability distribution, basically it is like a big interactive computer game and you are creating it every second of your life here.

It is not about trying to prove these things! It is not about who is wrong and right! It is about accepting that others have different realities from your own and let them be.

We don’t need to be scientists to understand that each one of us lives in his own reality. Not even two persons can notice exactly the same things in one (same) situation. We collect, absorb data according to our experiential database.

Why do most perceive reality as one and only existing objective thing then? Because (besides it being the main collective paradigm) this reality has some basic, common rules: gravity, capabilites of our physical bodies (we can’t jump 15 meters into the air without using technology…), how our bodies move in space and time… However, what is really important in our lives (our relationships, family, values, wishes) leaves us many options, probabilities of what could manifest. Our consciousness creates probabilities that we are likely to find and then manifest! In other terms: what you focus on, what you put your thoughts and energy into, creates your own reality.

High priests of today’s society are scientists. They tell us what to believe and what not to believe. In human history this concept is quite known to us. We have seen countless, long wars raging on this planet because people believed their ideas to be right and other ideas to be wrong. Are we supposed to repeat this historical pattern still? For how long?

As children, many of us know there is more to reality than it seems. When I talk to friends, many tell me: »Ah yes, I was playing with my toy and I knew I was not only there in that room in that moment, it was completely obvious to me then..« or »I dreamed of parallel worlds« or »I knew I had more than just this one life«… It is not about trying to prove these things! It is not about who is wrong and right! It is about accepting that others have different realities from your own and let them be. Live and let live! That is a good paradigm to follow, if we need paradigms.

Now, many ask themselves: if we are creating our own reality, why can’t I get a new Mercedes Benz? Campbell explains it like this: (in short) our reality is consciousness that wants to evolve. The purpose of this reality, the purpose of our lives, is evolution. Evolution, optimization, which is achieved through us maturing, growing up, becoming wiser, becoming loving, becoming Love. Acting out of Love for self and others. When we act out of ego and fear, we increase chaos inside the system and system corrects itself by giving us (harsh) lessons then. Basically what he is saying is: when a wish comes out of your heart, love, out of who you are, it manifests one way or another. If the wish is intellectual calculation, coming out of ego, out of »I want this and that…«, the system tries to direct us back to path of evolution in one way or another.

When I look back in my life I see many clear examples of how I was creating my own reality. Wishes that came from the heart, came also true. It is just that I didn’t know it then. The first significant example of how it works that comes to my mind is how I got pregnant with my second daughter.

It was two winters ago and I was spending hours in snowy forrest communicating with it. Once I hugged a giant spruce tree and looked up. It looked so high as if its branches were reaching out into the universe. I associated it with a giant antenna. »I might as well use this antenna to send a message to cosmos!« The message was: »I wish to have one more child. All the souls waiting for a body, you are welcome and will be loved. Let the soul who comes to live with us be one that brings even more love and harmony into our lives.« I also wished for the child to be physically healthy, because I didn’t feel safe nor strong enough to raise a child with special needs in this society at that moment. I pictured a child that looks a lot like my husband.  Then I thanked the universe and left.

Well, what happened is…I ment to have a child somewhen in 2, 3 or 4 years. But instead I got pregnant right away, that same month I think!! Intellectualy it was a shock for me, but looking back now, I say: “wow!” We weren’t planning a baby yet, all the odds were against it, I didn’t even know I was pregnant for quite some time, but she came despite all, our girl… And she is wonderful!

So, if this reality considers our hearts and wishes that come out of love, well, then it is a reality that I love living in.

P. S. If someone is interested in T. Campbell’s theories, you can check his website: http://www.my-big-toe.com/ or go to www.youtube.com and type twcjr44.