The third gate of dreaming is reached when you find yourself in a dream, staring at someone else who is asleep. And that someone else turns out to be you.

In other words: we astral travel into 4th dimension (from our 3rd density reality). Astral world is similar to our world: we see the same house, same furniture, ourselves…and yet it is different! We are not limited by our body mass and when we think of something it manifests instantly.

My interesting friend Milena from Dalmatia (Croatia) was describing me her experience. As she fell asleep in the evening, she suddenly saw herself lying in bed sleeping. She was observing from above. She thought of her sister Paulina and instantly she was in Paulina’s apartment, in her room, looking at her sister asleep. She memorized all the details, what was on the table, what her sister was wearing… Next morning she called Paulina and all the details and Paulina’s clothes were just as Milena had seen them. Milena was really there!

We sometimes cross the third gate spontaneously without trying. It happens when we hold sufficient level of energy: for example to Milena it happened after she had tried some meditations. Maybe it happened to you already: you dreamed of a place which seemed so real. Or you’ve experienced “déjà vu« – you came somewhere are were certain that you had been there already, although it was your first time in this reality. Imagine now that you can consciously travel to any place you want! For example: “I wonder what my grandma is doing now in Australia, I’ll go check on her!” Some do it at will while awake, but let us not talk about that yet!

Something similar happened to Milena’s sister Paulina, too! She dreamed of her future husband before actually meeting him. She dreamed of their first date before it happened and later on it happened just as she had dreamed it! She made a jump forward inside a timeline and saw future. I know people who saw future in their dreams and then it happened – some of them see it regularly.

sea stoneConcerning the third gate of dreaming, don Juan speaks of three tasks.

First task is described above. We need to learn how to move our energy body (travel around consciously, knowing we are dreaming). To do that our energy body must be perfect. As I already wrote in previous articles, it is important that you gain pieces of lost energy back. We lose those pieces every day with stress, with maintaining ego self-image…

Second task is to learn how to see energies – to see which objects radiate energy (are real!) and which don’t (are projections of our dreaming mind). Castaneda made don Juan laugh with his silly method of trying to achieve this goal. Castaneda tried to establish whether he had crossed the third gate or not by putting on different silly outfits each night before sleeping. Then in the dream he tried to see if he was wearing those silly outfits. Laughing don Juan said to him: “It is not about outfits! I thought you would figure this one out! It is about seeing energies!” We put an intent to see energies before going to sleep. Castaneda also used to point his little finger to objects. If that object wasn’t radiating energy, it disappeared or became pale…

Let me point out: all these are just guidelines. Each one of us is unique and dreams differently. You set your dreaming rules and manners in which you will recognize energies. For all I know, you can choose to stand on your head while establishing whether objects radiate energy or not!

About the third task: here don Juan speaks of the world of inorganic beings again. About how to drain energy from it – which we need for our travelling – without getting caught in that world. Let us leave that to shamans and sorcerers for now!

We don’t have to follow don Juan’s guidelines 100%. Choose your own way in which you want to dream! In whatever way we do it, the aim is to perfect our energy body, to learn how to use it and to expand our consciousness. Which has direct impact also on our awaken life.

Again: what is the purpose of practicing dreaming? To perfect energy body and to learn how to move it. This way you will learn not only to steer your dream, but also your awaken life.

P.S. Francesco B., thank you for your dreamy photo! 😉