welcome danceDear readers, we kindly invite you to shamanic weekend workshop with nagual Uchu!

Who is nagual Uchu?

Nagual Uchu learned and practiced shamanism mostly in Mexico, Peru and Brazil. He was part of Carlos Castaneda’s circle and worked closely with Merilyn Tunneshende (the Nagual Woman from Don Juan’s circle). He spent years travelling all around the world. He lived in India and among African shamans, gaining rich experience in working with energies.

He combined and integrated ancient knowledge and techniques into urban Shamanism which is applicable in 21st century in our everyday lives.  In the last 2 decades Uchu has been teaching and coaching  ancient shamanic techniques adapted to modern life all over the world. He is currently teaching in Europe, mostly in Slovenia.

Check Uchu’s Facebook:

Nagual Uchu – Modern Shamanism


Uchu has just returned from his journey into the Amazons where he spent some time living with native Indian tribes in the jungle. He lived with Kaxinawa Huni Kuin Indians studying their way of life, their connection to nature, their healing techniques, how they work with sacred plants of the rain forest, how they connect to the spirit of the plants and many other things. This tribe lives very secludedly. To reach them it takes 5 days in a boat up a river.

In January we prepared 2 weekend workshops in which Uchu will teach us shamanism, share with us his experience and insights from Amazonia and present the Kaxinawa to us. He will focus on sharing practical techniques with people. Traditional plant medicine of Hape` of Kaxinawa tribe will be available at the workshop for the participants to try.

The program is not fixed, as Uchu is always adapting to energies and needs of the group. »There is so much to share that it is hard to choose.« he says. But without any doubt it is going to be an intense weekend! If the weather allows, we will make a solemn fire ceremony on Saturday night outside on the meadow by the farm.


You can choose which date serves you better, both dates have similar program:

  1. Weekend 17th – 18th January 2015
  2. Weekend 24th – 25th January 2015

We start on Saturday morning (program starts around 12.00) and conclude on Sunday evening.


In an idyllic village in Karst nature of Slovenia, close to Škocjan caves:

Dujčeva domačija

Škoflje 33

6271 Vremski Britof



More information about the accomodation:


Note: English texts are under the Slovene ones (plase scroll down).

For accomodation: rooms and appartments with 3 beds are available to us, most of the rooms have their own bathroom.


210 €

Price includes:

–          2 day shamanic workshop with fire ceremony

–          Accomodation

–          4 meals: on Saturday lunch and dinner, on Sunday breakfast and lunch

–          Touristic tax

–          Traditional Kaxinawa Hape` medicine for those who wish to try


Applications are to be sent to this mail address:


until Wednesday, 14th January 2015 for the 1st date and until Wednesday, 21st January 2015 for the second date.

Do not hesitate to join us and have this new experience! We are looking forward to this workshop very much hoping to meet you there!