New Year is approaching. It is time when we close old stories that don’t serve us anymore, mark new beginnings and set new intentions. We are inviting you to join us for the New Year’s cacao ceremony. In ceremonial doses, raw cacao is a powerful heart opener that paves the way through transformation throught self-love. It helps us to restore balance between our minds and our hearts and to put out new intentions more in tune with our hearts.


An indigenous Mayan legend tells us whenever the balance between humans and nature becomes threatened, cacao comes from the rainforest to open people’s hearts and return the planet to a state of harmony. Ceremonial cacao is then the Food for the Shift.


Ceremonial cacao was traditionally used by the Ancient Mayan Shamans to travel between the worlds, to travel beyond the veil. For them the Cacao Spirit was one of the most powerful deities. Ceremonial cacao leads you to the door to the heart, to the spiritual dimension, but it does not push you through like other plants. Ceremonial cacao gently invites you on a journey, to travel with the chocolate spirit through the veil if you choose to.





Saturday, 16th December 2017

From 5 pm to 9 pm



Center Premik (dvorana A)

Neubergerjeva 9

1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Uchu Dugi otok 2015 portraitWho 

Nagual Uchu comes from Latin America. He learned and practiced shamanism mostly in Mexico, Peru and Brazil. In Argentina he was part of Carlos Castaneda’s circle and worked closely with Merilyn Tunneshende (the Nagual Woman from Don Juan’s circle). During his journey he lived with various Indian tribes such as Q’ero, Xingu, Shipibo, Kaxinawa Huni Kuin and he keeps regular contacts with some of the tribes, visiting them every year. He spent years travelling all around the world, living also among African and Siberian shamans, gaining rich experience in working with energies.

He combined and integrated ancient knowledge and techniques into Urban-Modern Shamanism which is applicable in 21st century in our everyday lives.  In the last 2 decades Uchu has been teaching and coaching ancient shamanic techniques adapted to modern life all over the world. He is currently teaching in Europe.




We will create a safe space and drink raw, organic, ceremonial cacao. We use special, best ceremonial cacao from Latin America. In that safe space people are able to open up to others, feeling love and self-love, realizing we are all a mirror for each other. We share that love through shamanic journeys, dance and music.

You may prepare questions or intent for your ceremony. You may receive powerful, loving guidance from Ixcacao – the Goddess of cacao.



With over 1200 chemical constituents, the beans from Theobroma Cacao (translating from the greek: theo – meaning god and broma – meaning food), appear to be the most pharmacologically complex food in nature. Certain active ingredients help release ‘feel good’ emotions.

Through cacao you access the subconscious to reveal and heal the deepest aspects of yourself, to start moving towards the fullest expression of who you truly are. It helps you to remove barriers in all areas of your life: relationships, career, personal growth, creativity, or wherever your focus is. It alleviates stress, anxiety and depression.

Ultimately, cacao deepens your connection to your heart, and expands your capacity to love and be loved.



Music will assist us during our sacred process. We will dance, sing, or quietly contemplate together, following inspiration that the Spirit brings us. 




Note: If you have heart conditions, take antidepressants or are pregnant, please let us know in advance (to decide a proper dosage for you). If you have epilepsy, unfortunately we cannot invite you to cacao ceremony for your own safety. More details will be provided when you apply.



40 €


cacaotribe-1Bookings and Information: 

We have limited space, therefore you must provide your space by applying to email:

You will receive further information when you apply.

Do not miss the opportunity of spending this special day with us! Join us!



More about nagual Uchu:

Facebook: Nagual Uchu – Modern Shamanism

