Oh, wonderful chocolate! Chocolate is many things: delightful, passionate, inspirational, sensual… We associate it with falling in love and give it as a present to our loved ones. Did you know that in shamanism cacao is one of the main sacred plant teachers, assisting humanity in our spiritual evolution?

Join us at a free lecture. On March 5th, we will dedicate the evening to cacao. Cacao is so much more than just a plant. We will talk about its healing properties, various ways of preparing it and, of course, about the energetical ways in which it helps people. Find out about the spirit of cacao and why it is so cherished in old native communities. You will find more information about the content below.


5th March 2020

7.30 pm


Library Fužine

Preglov trg 15

1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Tadeja Škorja: I am passionate about everything that helps me know myself and the world around me better. The more I learn, the more I am aware those two are not two separate things. I have been working with the spirit of cacao for many years now, facilitating cacao ceremonies and women’s circles. I am passionate about ancient spiritual traditions, folklore, myths and fairytales, shamanism and awareness expansion. Life has always brough special, precious people into my path in the right  moments, to help me grow and expand together. For the last 7 years I have been working with a shaman from Latin America, Nagual Uchu. I learned how to work with the spirit of cacao with Rebekah Shaman, one of the most known cacao shamans currently in Europe.


Ceremonial cacao was traditionally used by the Ancient Mayan Shamans to travel between the worlds. For them the Cacao Spirit was one of the most powerful deities, known as “the heart opener” and “consciousness awakener”. With over 1200 chemical constituents, the beans from Theobroma Cacao (translating from the greek: theo – meaning god and broma – meaning food), appear to be the most pharmacologically complex food in nature. Did you know that the cacao medicine is also spiritual? It is feminine cosmic energy, tender, nurturing and gentle. It softly awakens feelings of love and self-love inside us. It dissolves heavy energies and emotional blockages in our bodies and relaxes us. It helps us deal with emotional pain and heal it affectionately.

Cacao can be enjoyed in many ways. You can also try a special, ceremonial Peruvian cacao snacks at the lecture.

Cacao comes to us in many forms – as beverage, snack, beans, nibs… Cacao ceremonies as a means of self-growth are increasingly flourishing in Europe as more and more people become aware of its healing properties. Also in Slovenia, more and more people are drawn to work with cacao in a soft, loving way of acting and transforming oneself.

You are kindly invited to join us and learn about multi-layered beneficial events of this marvellous plant teacher.


The lecture is free of charge. No prior bookings are needed. Just come and enjoy!