From since I can remember on I’ve been having vivid, meaningful dreams. So meaningful that I started writing them down when I was 10 years old.
Through the years I’ve learned that dreams are not just our nightly brain activity, but much more. I began to distinguish between different types of dreams. One type I call “personal dreams”. In them our subconscious starts speaking to us as parts of it cross the bridge and come into light of our consciousness. It speaks in coded language of symbols and archetypes. This is how forces of creation help us get to know ourselves, which is probably the most important thing one can do in this life.
Dreams are not unreal. They are as real as our “non-sleeping” reality.
“Gnothi seauton!” – “Know thyself and you shall know the nature of gods and all other creation.” This was the greeting antique pilgrims would get when coming to the most famous oracle temple in Delphi (ancient Greece). Dreams are means through which we can enter this process of knowing ourselves.
Second type of dreams I call “dreams coming from a source wiser than us” – dreams communicating (again through codes and symbols) higher truths of our reality and creation. I also like to call them “cosmic dreams”. We wake up all dizzy asking ourselves: “Where did THAT come from?!”
For many years I’d kept my dreams and messages from them for myself. Then I discovered people were interested. They wanted to talk about it and learn from it. They wanted me to share my experience with them and help them interpret their own dreams.
I dedicate this part of Ariana’s Yard to all of you who are interested in the matter. The dream language is magnificent, wise and seems infinite to human mind. Let us learn from it!
Dreams are not merely our imagination. Dreams are not unreal. They are as real as our “non-sleeping” reality. We were just indoctrinated, taught to believe that the only existing reality is the one we perceive when awake. Old cultures and tribal societies were aware of importance of dreaming. We, “Westerners”, lost contact with it in our recent history, however: each one of us astral travels when asleep. When sleeping we enter 4th dimension, so called astral world – as real as our world here. A lot has been written about this. Some do it at will, consciously. Most are still taught to believe it doesn’t exist. I don’t doubt anymore – based on my experience of many years.
Once upon a time, Chinese Taoist Chuang Chou (Zhuangzi) wrote about nature of dreams: “Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.«
Dreaming is a process we can practice. We can gradually learn how to control and steer our dreams and get certain information or experience according to our intent. Carlos Castaneda writes about it in his book “The Art of Dreaming”. I will write about it! Together we will look at “doors of dreaming” as Castaneda’s teacher don Juan taught them. The exciting part is: as we learn to steer our dreams willingly, same principles of steering our lives apply also to this reality here (when awake)! So we are slowly becoming masters of our lives instead of being helpless apprentices.