So called “shadow work” has always been a crucial part of shamanic cultures and practice. Facing and understanding your “dark side” (hidden aspects) accelerates your healing and awakening, it expands your awareness, making you whole, balanced and able to claim your personal power back.

Most of us feel the longing of embracing the totality of our being and inner peace. When we discover the gifts of even our most hated qualities, we move beyond judgments and embark on a creative process of becoming whole. Your true self makes no judgments. When we integrate our shadow, we begin to reclaim the power we’ve given to others and access the inner voice of our true self.

Nagual Uchu will dedicate this workshop to working with our shadow. He will give you tools and techniques to begin your creative process of self-realization through working with your hidden aspects.

You will find more detail about the program below.

Translation from English to Slovene is provided.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

From 10.00 am to approximately 6.30 pm (with lunch break)


Center Premik

Neubergerjeva 9

1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija


Nagual Uchu comes from Latin America. He learned and practiced shamanism mostly in Mexico, Peru and Brazil. In Argentina he was part of Carlos Castaneda’s circle and worked closely with Merilyn Tunneshende (the Nagual Woman from Don Juan’s circle). During his journey he lived with various Indian tribes such as Q’ero, Xingu, Shipibo, Kaxinawa Huni Kuin and he keeps regular contacts with some of the tribes, visiting them every year. He spent years travelling all around the world, living also among African and Siberian shamans, gaining rich experience in working with energies.

He combined and integrated ancient knowledge and techniques into Urban-Modern Shamanism which is applicable in 21st century in our everyday lives.  In the last 2 decades Uchu has been teaching and coaching ancient shamanic techniques adapted to modern life all over the world. He is currently teaching in Europe.


The term “inner shadow” refers to the parts of us that we would rather hide, suppress, pretend that they do not exist as we (our mind) judge them as unpleasant, ugly, or undesired in any way.

When we ignore our shadow, it influences us from a subconscious level, making us live our life unaware and from a place of imbalance. Facing our darkness (hidden aspects), bringing them to light and understanding, allows us to live from a place of balance, personal power and wholeness. Through integration we become a conscious co-creator of our experience of life.

During this workshop you will work with your shadow on deeper levels.

Highlights of the workshop:

  • Discovering what our hidden aspects are and how to address them
  • The role of our belief system and mind programming in sustaining our shadow
  • How to become a conscious co-creator of your experience of life through integration
  • Techniques and exercises on how to deal with your own shadow and how to own it
  • Guided shamanic journey

Nagual Uchu does not follow a fixed program. He sees and reads the energy of the group and of the individuals and adapts the program according to the group’s best interest.


70 €


Due to limited places please book your place in advance to the following email: (Tadeja)

You will receive further information after booking.



Nagual Uchu – Modern Shamanism
