The workshop is full. Thank you for showing such interest and we will organize a similar event soon. 


Due to big interest we have changed the location of the workshop. New location is:

Parinama Center, cesta na brdo 85, 1000 Ljubljana


Shamanism has been called the first spiritual practice of humanity. For tens of thousands of years it has helped communities with their personal and collective evolution. Shamanism is a generous, loving path of caring for one another and for nature. It supports and sustains personal growth and our connection to the Great Spirit.

Shamanic journeys are considered the primary method used to access the other worlds where the spirit helpers and guidance are found. They are used for many purposes, mainly for healing – healing in the widest, holistic sense of the word. Journeys are done to bring healing from the spirit realms through processes such as soul retrieval, cellular healing etc.

Consciousness journeys are an element of the sacred traditions of peoples from all parts of the planet. Journeying is a powerful meditative state. It takes us into altered states of consciousness that help us work more deeply with intuitive and spiritual guidance. Shamanic drumming is used to assist the process.

Nagual Uchu has learned shamanism in various parts of Latin America. He has dedicated this workshop especially to the topic of shamanic journeys. Scroll down for more details on the program.



Saturday, 7th March 2015

From 10am to 6pm – with lunch break



Parinama Center

Cesta na brdo 85

1000 Ljubljana




Most of you already know nagual Uchu – a shaman from Latin America who has travelled all over the globe, learned different shamanic traditions and has decades of experience in working with energies and people. For those who do not know him yet, you will find more information on his blog and Facebook.


Nagual Uchu – Modern Shamanism



Uchu will introduce you into shamanic journeys. He will present parallel realities and the concept of 3 worlds (lower, middle and upper world). He will guide you through at least 2 shamanic journeys in the workshop.


The workshop is appropriate for beginners and also for more advanced practitioners. One can never do “too many” journeys: each journey has new things to teach us and brings valuable insights.


Through journeying, we may find that our normal world is not the most “real” world we can experience. The alternative realms of Spirit, of our visions and dreams, also can be real, accessible, and even tangible. What we learn there influences our lives here.


Shamanic journeys may expand your awareness rapidly, and may be the source of energy, creativity, inspiration, passion, love and personal power fuelling us for our everyday lives here.


You do not have to have any special skills or attributes to conduct a journey. This process is not reserved for a select few “chosen” individuals! Some may find it challenging at first, but most will be able to master this relatively simple process in the first few attempts.


Journeying is often done lying down, with the eyes closed.  It also can be done while sitting, standing, walking, dancing, singing…  It has been said, “If you can visualize, you can learn to journey.”


Highlights of the Workshop:

–          WHY travel in consciousness? The BENEFITS of shamanic journeys in everyday life

–          HOW to travel: preparation and relaxation

–          How to apply guidance received through the journeys to everyday life


Program is not fixed. Uchu reads the energies of the group and adapts to the moment and to the needs of the group.




Applications and information:

Apply until 5th March 2015

I hope to meet many of you and spend a useful, shamanic day together, full of awareness expansion and developing of our potential!



Susan Sedon Boulet 

Misterio Profundo (Pablo Amaringo)