Spring equinox is celebrated annually each March. It symbolizes new growth and fertility, it is the time when daylight will turn and begin to dominate the darkness once more. It is a great opportunity for releasing the old and welcoming the new, balancing masculine and feminine energies, looking forward for the year to come.

We will join together in an ancient shamanic ritual with nagual Uchu and connect as a group to honour this event through symbolic actions of burying the old and planting seeds of the new. This year we have a unique, etremely rare alignment, because the solar eclipse will occur just one day prior to the equinox!

The ritual is organized as a part of the event of Harmony program presentation.



22nd March 2015

6.00 pm


Biotechnical Education Center

Ižanska cesta 10



The event is free of charge. Applications are not necessary.

Come and join us to honour this special time of the year!