It is the task of human beings to lead the collectivity of humanity out of the labyrinth of matter and into the realm of the imagination. The imagination is the only place where the human soul is at home.” Terence McKenna

Shamanic workshop with Nagual Uchu: learn how to contact and talk to your Higher Self and receive priceless wisdom, guidance, healing and blessings from it.

Your Higher Self is the highest aspect of you which can be attained in the physical form. It is the unlimited and eternal part of Self with highest perspective and understanding. In other words, your Higher Self is the best version of you.

Uchu says: »Once you are in contact with your Higher Self, you will not need any more books, classes, courses or teachers. It is the source of all knowledge that ever was, is and will be.« Each and every individual has a Higher Self. It’s the real you, your essence, your total soul consciousness. It knows your spiritual contracts, the plans you made before incarnating here and it holds your life plan in its hands. It is always a good idea to be able to speak to it. Speak to it as often as you can!

During this workshop Uchu will explain the concept of Higher Self, the enormous benefits of improving your conscious contact with it and a few manners in which you can establish better contact with it.

The workshop is suitable for all: beginners and more advanced practitioners.

The workshop is translated from English to Slovene.

You will find more details about the program below.


Saturday, 11th May 2019

From 10 am to 6 pm (with lunch break)


Center Premik

Neubergerjeva 9

1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija


Nagual Uchu comes from Latin America. He learned and practiced shamanism mostly in Mexico, Peru and Brazil. In Argentina he was part of Carlos Castaneda’s circle and worked closely with Merilyn Tunneshende (the Nagual Woman from Don Juan’s circle). During his journey he lived with various Indian tribes such as Q’ero, Xingu, Shipibo, Kaxinawa Huni Kuin and he keeps regular contacts with some of the tribes, visiting them every year. He spent years travelling all around the world, living also among African and Siberian shamans, gaining rich experience in working with energies.

He combined and integrated ancient knowledge and techniques into Urban-Modern Shamanism which is applicable in 21st century in our everyday lives.  For the last 2 decades Uchu has been teaching and coaching  ancient shamanic techniques adapted to modern life all over the world. He currently teaches in Europe.


During this workshop you will learn how to become more aware of your connection with the higher aspects of you, how to talk to your Higher Self and receive its priceless guidance. This “you” is not affected by your past traumas, by judgements or prejudices. It does not view life through filters tainted by your past experience of pain, fear, rejection, abandonment etc. It is free from your wishes and expectations.

Uchu will share a few different ways of how to work with your Higher Self. Discover which one works for you!

Uchu will also guide you through a deep shamanic journey during which you will contact your Higher Self. All shamanic traditions use shamanic journeys – they are considered the primary method used to access worlds where spiritual helpers and guidance are found. When we journey, we reach an altered state of consciousness (light trance). A part of our consciousness leaves the physical body and travels to the spiritual realms.

Highlights of the workshop:

– What is Higher Self

– How to contact it (various manners)

– Many benefits of guidance and contact with your Higher Self such as increased intuition, clarity about your soul purpose, unconditional love for yourself, honesty with yourself and others, inner and outer abundance, being in control of your own happiness…

– Shamanic journeys and light trance techniques

– Debate and sharing


65 €


Due to limited places please book your place in advance to the following email: (Tadeja)

You will receive further information after booking.



Nagual Uchu – Modern Shamanism

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