»Live your own truth!«
We often hear this sentence and it sounds good – in theory. What about practice, what does it mean?
What is »our own truth«? Discovering it is a process. We need to let go of illusions, strategies, stories we keep repeating to ourselves and others about ourselves in order to make us look »good«. It takes valor to dare being honest with ourselves, to accept also less beautiful sides (for our mind), to start listening to ourselves. Well, you’ve gotta start somewhere! I believe we can recognize »our own truth« by feeling alive doing it, by feeling strong, happy, creative living it!
Picture yourself monitoring your life on the day of your death. Will you be fulfilled if you continue by the old patterns?
We usually take into account what other people think, say, what is proper and socially acceptable and what not. We subdue to our fears, insecurities, inferiority complexes. We play it safe or invent new and new excuses for why we cannot do something.
For instance, you have always wanted to jump with a parachute, but you always find reasons not to do it: »I am too old, I am a father/mother, I don’t have time, it is ridiculous, people will say I am crazy…«
Let us start with the quiet voice inside us. Voice calling us to do, to try, to go for something that might seem outrageous to our mind, not allowed, complete nonsense, illogical… but you have a hunch it would return a once lost piece of yourself to you. Know that this quiet inner voice is inspiration talking through you, steering you to a path that is more your own and not imposed on you by others!
»Others« with their belief systems, judgments don’t know who you are. Discovering ourselves is personal and it can never be obtained with the mind. Discovering ourselves is actually a process of life itself. Every time your actions are chosen by motivation to please others, to be accepted, to be »good« and safe, know this – if you dare to follow your call, the others will not miss you (the real you), you will not deprive your close ones of yourself. They will miss their old beliefs about you, but not the real you. They will miss the image, projection of you, which didn’t really allow them to know you. Every time you silence down the call of inspiration, your inner voice, you will feel more unsatisfied and you will project this unsatisfiedness into your environment more and more.
So: dare, do what you feel is yours! Be what you feel you are! I am talking about your inspirations, wishes, urges that do not harm others directly in the sense of violence etc. It is not about becoming uncontrolled savages. I am talking about all the hobbies, travels, courses, professions, adventures that you once wanted and didn’t experience. You are responsible primarily to yourself. Start with small steps: take that course you’ve wanted for so long, call that interesting person you’ve wanted to chat with for so long…
Picture yourself monitoring your life on the day of your death. Will you be fulfilled if you continue by the old patterns? Think, speak and live your truth! As already said: you will not deprive others of yourself, but on the contrary: this way they will be given opportunity to get to know you. They will be given opportunity to be inspired by your example and follow it themselves. Not all of them will follow. But if you manage to inspire one person, that is more than enough! They will not all stay in your life, but you will open doors to so many other »right« people to enter your life.
Do not hurry, start with small steps. Or as Slovene proverb says: »Grain on grain – cake, stone on stone – palace.« Or as singer Shirlie Roden sings in her beautiful song:
Wherever Spirit Takes Me, I Will Follow
Wherever Spirit Takes Me, I Walk Free…
P.S. PiTuS, thank you for the photo!