Guided deep self-transformative shamanic journey, an online ceremony open to both men and women. We will work with the sacred plant teacher – cacao, but drinking cacao is not mandatory. Even without ceremonial cacao you will travel into Consciousness and receive the necessary guidance and help. (More below)

“Never stop learning; for when we stop learning, we stop growing.” (Loyal “Jack” Lewman)
Hello everyone!
I will start this post with a more personal note.
I invite you to a transformative shamanic journey through your energy centers. We all have them and when they are flowing with life force, when we allow ourselves to feel the life energy flowing within us, we gain personal strength, power of conscious manifestation, self-realization. We will use chakras system as our tool. Every long journey begins with a single step, as Chinese proverb states. Why not take a few steps together?
We haven’t heard from each other for a while and in between “the whole world” happened. In January, when I was in Bali, I clearly felt a new life cycle had begun, something unknown, unimaginable. At the time I still thought this applied to my personal process only.
I returned to Slovenia and prepared materials for our traditional “4 seasons” cacao ceremonies. The theme I chose for the spring ceremony was (!) “Loneliness”, a sense of separation in our society. I wrote in my notes: “Loneliness is practically pandemic in our society.” At our workshops I always say I need to be careful when choosing topics, because I get fully tested on them straight away. But I wouldn’t have predicted a global pandemic in my dreams! We stayed at home, faced with ourselves and our loved ones. For me, a period of intense dreams began, journeys into Consciousness, “downloads” in the waking state, insights into parallel realities and, above all, descents into oneself, into intense shadow work. A period of introspection. When it got very difficult (the liberating process of the dark night of the soul, from which we emerge “different”), my old soul friends, scattered all over the world, reached out to me. They pulled me into their magic circle of love, support and team work. We worked together online, crossing the boundaries of the previously known.
At one of cacao ceremonies I received a gift: this journey I am now sharing with you. A journey inwards, similar to “metaphorical death”, where we transform old familiar forms and patterns and open ourselves to new possibilities. We cleanse “clogged channels”, become more aware of what is stored in our bodies, feeling our bodies, working with breath, movement, then focus on each chakra separately, pulling life force, our sexual energy (which is our creative energy), up through each chakra. We work on each chakra, revitalizing it, putting awareness, then move onto the next one until we create a circuit, a circular flow. At the end of the journey we make a commitment to ourselves to become more aware of what is going on within ourselves, in all our bodies, especially the physical one, which is all too often neglected.

Cacao As a Sacred Plant Teacher in Shamanism
Working with sacred plant teachers is an important part of shamanism. Cacao is one of the main plant teachers who have committed themselves to helping humanity in its spiritual evolution and awakening. Cacao is a loving, gentle teacher who can take us to immense depths of ourselves. It originates from the Mayan tradition and is known in shamanism as the “Heart Opener. For the Maya, the spirit of cacao was one of the most powerful deities.
According to the Mayan legend, once the balance between man and nature is threatened, cacao will return again from the tropical rainforest to help us open and heal our hearts.
Do not worry if you don’t have ceremonial cacao, you can still attend the ceremony.
We use special raw ceremonial grade cacao for ceremonies. You can also buy it from me. BUT for this ceremony you can drink any other cacao and put out the intention of connecting with the spirit of the plant teacher. You can also choose not to drink. Drinking is not mandatory. You will still be held in a sacred circle with us, in these energies, and you will still receive a powerful ceremony.
NOTE – Cacao is safe to ingest. There are some rare medical conditions in which we reduce the dose. If you have severe heart disease, are taking antidepressants or are pregnant, halve your dose. If you have epilepsy, I recommend that you do not drink ceremonial cacao. You will receive more details concerning medical conditions upon registration. You will also receive instructions on how to prepare your own cup of cacao.
Moon in Pisces
I chose this day because the moon is in Pisces. Pisces are the “mystics of the zodiac”, they are a portal to the deepest, hidden realms of the unconscious, a world that communicates in images and not in words. In addition, the moon is in conjunction with Neptune, the ruler of the sign of Pisces. A unique opportunity for extremely increased intuitive abilities, new levels of perception, imagination, courage to descend into the unknown, increased visualization abilities. The moon will greatly support us on our path of self-exploration of all our bodies (physical, emotional, mental, etheric, astral, etc.), in exploring parts of ourselves that we may not yet know.

Saturday, 13 June 2020
From 7 pm to approximately 10 pm CET
Online (Zoom)
Our webmaster Jelena will make it easy for you to be with us with just a few clicks. Make sure you have a space where you have privacy and you won’t be disturbed for about 3 hours. We will not hear you during the ceremony (we mute the participants) so you can express yourself through sounds and movement. You can also turn off the camera if you wish to.

Shamanic journey is similar to guided meditation, with the difference that you are actively participating in it, co-creating it. Through deep relaxation of the body and breathing we enter the state of light trance in which we receive spiritual insights, guidance, and access to parts of ourselves that we do not usually access.
You are invited to express whatever comes up: move, sound, laugh, cry… Just to feel what is truly going on inside.
Together we will journey through our chakras. You may have a special intention: what you would like to bring into your life, to manifest, and direct the accumulated energy that. At the end, we will make a small commitment to ourselves and conclude establishing a circular flow.
1. CHAKRA: root: Earth. Form, strength, grounding, acceptance of one’s physical body, the foundation. Do you dare to say “yes” to life, to physical existence here and now? Do you truly feel you are not here just to survive, but to live? Saying “yes” to the full physical experience of this life, full embodyment, connecting with the Earth, drawing creative energy from it through your root, feeling the gift of having a body. Let go of the fear of having a body.
2. CHAKRA: sexual: Water. Emotions. Illusions. Sensitivity, sensuality, the creativity of our sexual energy, which is innocent, pure, which is our life force. To breathe through shame, all toxic cultural programs about sexual energy, breathe through denial, oppression, hiding, suppressing your own divinity and the power of creation. Creation in the broadest sense.
3. CHAKRA: solar plexus: Fire. We are building our inner fire. Center of personal power. Center of personal will. For any time when you felt that you couldn’t handle it all, that everything was too much, that you were internally empty, exhausted, that you weren’t living your desires, that you had no connection to your wild Eros – we breathe, express, ignite our true eternal inner fire.
4. CHAKRA: heart: Air. Allow your heart to breathe! To relax in love. Do you even hear your heart? Do you silence it, limit love in fear, use your sexual energy to buy love? Do you doubt love, test it, convince yourself you can’t find it?
5. CHAKRA: throat: The crossroads between the physical and the non-physical. Expression, self-expression. For every time you have silenced yourself so as not to “be too much for others” , so as not to offend anyone, so as not to be excluded, judged, left alone, not accepted. For every time you didn’t speak when you should have…
6. CHAKRA: third eye: The eye that sees everything – physical and beyond. It sees a wonderful divine play, our dreaming of ourselves, higher consciousness. Sees love in everything. Clairvoyance, the ability to receive clear insights.
7. CHAKRA: crown: Inner yearning for reunion with the Source, with God. Openness to the “mystery,” to the unknown. Awareness that we are already everything, that we have always been everything, that our intentions have already been granted. Remember. Remembering our true nature.
Tadeja Škorja: I am passionate about everything that helps me get to know myself and the world around me better. The more I explore, the more I realize these are not two separate things. In my life, the right people and the right teachings have always crossed my path without me specifically looking for them. My background includes 7 years of work and travel with a shaman from Latin America, Nagual Uchu, as his right hand, exploring altered states of consciousness, esoteric traditions, mystery schools teachings, the heritage of our myths and legends, intense shadow work and of course exploring the wisdom of sacred plants teachers. Since childhood I have been active in dreaming, accessing the subconscious and the collective unconscious of humanity. I am a certified cacaoista (cacao ceremonies facilitator). I trained with my mentor Rebekah Shaman, who is currently the most known cacao shaman in Europe. I have been working in spirituality, shamanism, esoteric, facilitating cacao ceremonies and leading women’s circles.

PhD Albinca Pesek: Albinca is a musician, music teacher, professor, author of elementary school textbooks for music, sound and dance therapist, and above all, my dear friend. She dedicated her life to her love of music. This time she will be my support in holding the sacred ceremonial space.

Jelena Oleami: Jelena is a heartful, sensitive dancer who has many years of experience in the field of movement and dance. She is a choreographer, pedagogue and head of the Plesonoga Dance Society. She has been lovingly working with the cacao for many years. This time she will take care of us as our webmaster.

We do not charge a fixed price. These are special times, times of uncertainty, and first and foremost, it is important that we connect with each other. You are asked to leave a donation. Everyone contributes according to their possibilities and feeling to let the energies flow.
You are asked to donate to KID Plesonoga Dance Society. You will receive all the information as you book your place for the ceremony.


Please book your place by applying to the following email prior to the event: (Tadeja)
You will receive further information when you apply.
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Ariana’s Yard – Cacao Delight / Arianino dvorišče – slastni kakav