Guided deep self-transformative shamanic journey, an online ceremony for women. We will work with the sacred plant teacher – cacao, however drinking cacao is not mandatory. Even without ceremonial cacao you will travel into Consciousness and receive the necessary guidance and help.
We have a special treat for you: half an hour of face yoga for even more radiance and beauty with a certified teacher Špela Baričič. (More below)

Cacao As a Sacred Plant Teacher in Shamanism
Working with sacred plant teachers is an important part of shamanism. Cacao is one of the main plant teachers who have committed themselves to helping humanity in its spiritual evolution and awakening. Cacao is a loving, gentle teacher who can take us to immense depths of ourselves. It originates from the Mayan tradition and is known in shamanism as the “Heart Opener. For the Maya, the spirit of cacao was one of the most powerful deities.
According to the Mayan legend, once the balance between man and nature is threatened, cacao will return again from the tropical rainforest to help us open and heal our hearts.

Do not worry if you don’t have ceremonial cacao, you can still attend the ceremony.
We use special raw ceremonial grade cacao for ceremonies. If you can’t get a hold of ceremonial cacao, you can drink any other cacao and put out the intention of connecting with the spirit of the plant teacher. You may also choose not to drink. Drinking is not mandatory. You will still be held in a sacred circle with us, in these energies, and you will still receive a powerful ceremony.
NOTE – Cacao is safe to ingest. There are some rare medical conditions in which we reduce the dose. If you have severe heart disease, are taking antidepressants or are pregnant, halve your dose. If you have epilepsy, I recommend that you do not drink ceremonial cacao. You will receive more details concerning medical conditions upon registration. You will also receive instructions on how to prepare your own cup of cacao.

Women’s Circle
Women’s circles offer us the opportunity to connect in a community of like-minded people, the opportunity to feel closer to women of all ages and to share wisdom. They are a place of trust, friendship and relaxation. The purpose of the women’s circle is to create a safe, sacred space where you can hear yourself, your true inner impulses and desires, and receive clear spiritual guidance. You can also set a specific intention for the ceremony.
Moon in Cancer, New Moon and a Solar Eclipse
On the day of our ceremony the moon is in the sign of its ruler – cancer. Cancer as an archetype is very sensitive, loving and emotional, oriented towards family and loved ones. The shadow side is its tendency to escape and hide in its shell and crevices, building defensive walls around itself. On this day you have the opportunity to see where your fears are running the show, in which areas you have built a shell around yourself, when and where you feel tempted to try and “hide in a hole”. There is no better teacher for this kind of emotional awareness and healing than the loving cacao plant.
The new moon is the time for new beginnings, for sowing new seeds. A solar eclipse will potentiate the intensity of everything. We may feel that the “world has gone mad” and that we no longer control anything. Look at it as an opportunity to surrender, to trust the universe, knowing that at a certain point on our path we need to let go of ego control and open the door to the new, to mystery.
Face Yoga
A certified teacher Špela Baričič will lead thirty minutes of face yoga for more radiance, beauty and harmony. She is the founder of “Moon’s Room”, a place for contemplation, spirituality, yoga and relaxation for women.

Sunday, 21 June 2020
From 7 pm to approximately 10 pm CET

Online (Zoom)
Our webmaster Jelena will make it easy for you to be with us with just a few clicks. Make sure you have a space where you have privacy and you won’t be disturbed for about 3 hours. We will not hear you during the ceremony (we mute the participants) so you can express yourself through sounds and movement. You can also turn off the camera if you wish to.
PROGRAM: Talk to Your Animus
Our psyche is a wonderful complex world in which we carry all creation, the whole universe. Within us, both cosmic principles meet and merge in the reality of duality: masculine and feminine, Shiva and Shakti. They work through us every day, in all the situations we find ourselves in.
Carl Jung described the animus as the unconscious male side of the female psyche, as one of the primary archetypes of the unconscious. The better our relationship with him, the better we know him, the closer we are to the wholeness of our being.
At the ceremony we will talk to our animus through a guided shamanic journey. He is often neglected, repressed, and we need to get to know him and build a relationship with him.

Highlights of the ceremony:
• What is the masculine and what is the feminine cosmic principle and how they are reflected within us.
• Qualities of male cosmic energy, qualities of female cosmic energy.
• How to build a sacred union of both principles inside you.
• How the dynamic of both is reflected externally in our relationships.
• The basic qualities of a mature, loving male cosmic principle within ourselves and in our partners
• Communication with the animus: conversation, questions and answers
• Integration and sharing
Tadeja Škorja: I am passionate about everything that helps me get to know myself and the world around me better. The more I explore, the more I realize these are not two separate things. In my life, the right people and the right teachings have always crossed my path without me specifically looking for them. My background includes 7 years of work and travel with a shaman from Latin America, Nagual Uchu, as his right hand, exploring altered states of consciousness, esoteric traditions, mystery schools teachings, the heritage of our myths and legends, intense shadow work and of course exploring the wisdom of sacred plants teachers. Since childhood I have been active in dreaming, accessing the subconscious and the collective unconscious of humanity. I am a certified cacaoista (cacao ceremonies facilitator). I trained with my mentor Rebekah Shaman, who is currently the most known cacao shaman in Europe. I have been working in spirituality, shamanism, esoteric, facilitating cacao ceremonies and leading women’s circles.

Špela Baričič: Certified face and energy yoga teacher, founder of “Moon’s Room” – a space for spiritual workshops, relaxation and women’s circles.

Jelena Oleami: Jelena is a heartful, sensitive dancer who has many years of experience in the field of movement and dance. She is a choreographer, pedagogue and head of the Plesonoga Dance Society. She has been lovingly working with the cacao for many years. This time she will take care of us as our webmaster.

We do not charge a fixed price. These are special times, times of uncertainty, and first and foremost, it is important that we connect with each other. You are asked to leave a donation. Everyone contributes according to their possibilities and feeling to let the energies flow.
You are asked to donate to KID Plesonoga Dance Society. You will receive all the information as you book your place for the ceremony.
Please book your place by applying to the following email prior to the event: (Tadeja)
You will receive further information when you apply.

Facebook and Instagram:
Ariana’s Yard – Cacao Delight / Arianino dvorišče – slastni kakav
SHIVA Lunina SOBA: joga obraza, energijska joga, delavnice, predavanja
KID Plesonoga