We are approaching winter. In our culture it represents a time of rest, of introspection, of diving deep into inner silence to listen to the quiet inner voice, to reevaluate all our past strategies and efforts and feel which direction to take in the spring. We can receive wise guidance and hear our true self only in the state of inner silence, which our consumer’s society is trying to eradicate so efficiently.

This cacao ceremony is open to everyone: men and women and is dedicated to the masculine archetypes in our psyche. To the archetypes of the mature, integrated masculine divine principle, which is rare in our society (collective matrix).

In our society we face a crisis of vast proportions: a crisis of masculine identity, which is not confined only to men (physical sex). We don’t have true examples of developed, integrated masculine divine in its most noble expression. There are various reasons for that, such as the breakdown of traditional family, the disappearance of ritual processes for initiating boys into manhood and a few thousands years of so called patriarchal society. Patriarchy in its essence is the society of boys and not of mature men. It is based on fear, repression and dominating men and women. Wise, mature men claim patriarchy is the attack on both: mature feminine and mature masculine divine cosmic principle. Patriarchy represses the development of both: boys and girls.

In the ceremony we will look into the difference between so called boy psychology and man psychology and we will dedicate our journey with the sacred plant teacher cacao to main mature archetypes of the masculine divine principle. We will talk to our inner:

  • King
  • Warrior
  • Magician and
  • Lover

It is very beneficial also for women to work with their inner masculine archetypes. In Jungian terminology the masculine subpersonality of a female psyche is called animus (anima in men) and having a healthy animus (or anima for men) is crucial for a balanced, healthy psyche.

Shamanic journey will be assisted by a powerful healing power of sound. After the initial relaxation with Himalayan and crystal bowls, we will have a professional drummer Žiga Šercer drumming for us while we journey.

You will find more information about the program below.


Saturday, 30 November 2019

From 4.00 pm to approximately 8.30 pm


Dance shool “Zapleši z Aljo”

Dolenjska cesta 320

1291 Škofljica




Tadeja Škorja: I am passionate about everything that helps me know myself and the world around me better. The more I learn, the more I am aware those two are not two separate things. Many of you know me as Nagual Uchu’s “right hand”. Uchu is a shaman from Latin America. Seven years of working and travelling with him have given me many things and experience for which I am deeply grateful.

Uchu introduced me to cacao. We held ceremonies together. Later on I met a shaman from the United Kingdom, Rebekah Shaman, who is one of the most known cacao shamans in Europe. I had the honour of training with her in one of her wonderful “Cacaoista retreats” where we worked with the plant deeply and intensely in a circle of women. It was a profound, life-changing experience. The connection I made with the plant captured my heart. The spirit of the plant, goddess Ixcacao, surprised me with her depths, wisdom and nurturing nature. She touched my heart like a true “Heart Opener” (the plant’s nickname in shamanic circles). I felt how important it is for women to offer safe spaces and gatherings to each other, where they can relax and just be who they truly are.

You can read more about me here: en.arianasyard.com/o-meni 

Ph.D. Albinca Pesek: Albinca is a musician, music teacher, professor, author of primary school textbooks for music, skilled sound and dance therapist, and above all my dear friend. She devoted her life to her love of music which is felt all her work. She will pamper us with a sound bath to prepare us for the ceremony.

Žiga Šercer: Professional percussionst and drummer, specialized in Latin American, European and Arabic folk music, flamenco and Balcan music. A versatile drummer has years of experience with working with various music bands and projects, including shamanic drumming.

Maja Klopčič: During the ceremony Maja will take care of you as my assistant. She is an excellent support for keeping the ceremonial sacred space and experienced in working with cacao plant teacher.


Cacao Ceremony

An indigenous Mayan legend tells us whenever the balance between humans and nature becomes threatened, (ceremonial) cacao comes from the rainforest to open people’s hearts and return the planet to a state of harmony.

Ceremonial cacao was traditionally used by the Ancient Mayan Shamans to travel between the worlds. For them the Cacao Spirit was one of the most powerful deities. We will drink organic, raw, ceremonial grade cacao from the Ashaninka tribes of Peru. Ceremonial cacao leads you to the door to the heart, to the spiritual dimension, but it does not push you through like other plants. Ceremonial cacao gently invites you on a journey, to travel with the chocolate spirit through the veil if you choose to.

With over 1200 chemical constituents, the beans from Theobroma Cacao (translating from the greek: theo – meaning god and broma – meaning food), appear to be the most pharmacologically complex food in nature. Certain active ingredients help release ‘feel good’ emotions, therefore cacao is considered a heart opener that paves the way to transformation through self-love. It triggers release of dopamine, the ‘pleasure’ hormone. Through cacao you access the subconscious to reveal and heal the deepest aspects of yourself. It helps you to remove blockages in all areas of your life: relationships, career, personal growth, creativity, or wherever your focus is. Ultimately, cacao expands your capacity to love and be loved.

You may prepare questions or intent for your ceremony. Ixcacao may not take you where you expect her to take you. But you can be sure she will take you where you need to go. Allow yourself to be surprised!

Human Psyche and Archetypes

Archetypes are the forces that work in our psyche. Although we are all submerged (up to a certain degree) into the collective unconscious, each and every one of us has a unique personal archetypal map. By knowing and understanding your archetypes you can activate your best potentials and radically change your life in the desired direction.

During the ceremony we will address a few main masculine archetypes in our psyche: inner child (boy), king, warrior, magician and lover. How they can destructively express themselves when they are not mature or integrated, what their active and passive poles are. What is the immature king like in his active and his passive pole? When does a king turn into a tyrant or a weakling? When does our inner magician turn into a detached manipulator or the denying “innocent” one (playing dumb)?

During your journey with cacao you will talk to the archetype who currently needs your attention the most. As already said: Ixcacao may not take you where you expect her to take you. But you can be sure she will take you where you need to go.

Capricorn Moon

A moon in Capricorn is a very powerful and often misunderstood teacher. Capricorn and its ruler Saturn are depicted as stern, old, harsh tutors. Saturn teaches us about limitations, discipline, self-discipline, karma, past, time, he teaches through pressures which create diamonds. We are asked to take responsibility for our lives. Even though Saturn is often mentioned as the ruler of the past, he is actually teaching us how to value the present moment. For example: if you have been putting off a well needed rest for too long, Saturn will literally make you stay in bed and regenerate – you will get ill and will be forced to rest. However, if you know how to listen to his teachings, you will benefit a great deal. Saturn also teaches us about the importance of maintaining personal boundaries: it is one of the most beautiful planets in the galaxy, but its colourful rings are made of ice. It teaches you how to balance your personal boundaries: where you do not respect them, and in which cases you have surrounded yourself with too many defence walls.

Capricorn moon may highlight some of the repressed aspects of our masculine archetypes. Use this opportunity to integrate them in safe, loving ceremonial space with cacao teacher.

Sound Bath

The sound of Himalayan and crystal bowls will prepare us for the ceremony and enable us to understand and integrate its messages better. During the sound bath with Albinca you will harmonize your energies, your mind, body and spirit.


We will close the ceremony with a talk, integration of experiences and socializing.

A Note: Cacao is safe to ingest, however there are certain medical conditions where we need to adjust the dose. If you have heart conditions, take antidepressants or are pregnant, please let us know. If you have epilepsy, unfortunately we cannot invite you to cacao ceremony for your own safety. More details will be provided when you apply.


55 €


Due to limited places please book your place by applying to the following email prior to the event:

arianasyard@gmail.com    (Tadeja)

You will receive further information when you apply.



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Ariana’s Yard – Cacao Delight / Arianino dvorišče – slastni kakav
