
Saturday, 28th November 2015

From 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm



Ubrana dvorana

Celovška cesta 55

1000 Ljubljana




As you have expressed your wishes to spend more time with Uchu in his activities, he has prepared a special evening for you –  a satsang. Satsang in Indian traditions is being in the company of the Truth or the good, by sitting together with a teacher or a group of spiritual students who speak, listen to and assimilate the “Truth”.

We will debate, ask questions, listen to answers and exchange our experience with shamanic practice. The program is open for you to ask your questions.

You are invited to join the “hape” circle – to try the holy medicine “hape”, made mostly of mapacho (tobacco) from the Amazonian jungle.

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As we have limited space available, you have to apply to this email to secure your participation. Thank you!

You are kindly invited to join us!